xkbcomp $DISPLAY — | egrep -v "group . = AltGr;" | xkbcomp — $DISPLAY
вызывать после setxkbmap
Итак сглаженные шрифты в стампвм. Бетаверсия. Для использования необходимо скачать clx-truetype и stumpwm из моего гитхаба.
cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects
git clone github.com
git clone github.com
Сделать кеш TrueType шрифтов.
(ql:quickload :clx-truetype)
Затем указать нужный шрифт в ~/.stumpwmrc
(set-font (make-instance 'xft:font :family "Consolas" :subfamily "Regular" :size 12))
Затем запустить stumpwm из ~/.xinitrc
exec sbcl --eval "(ql:quickload :stumpwm)" --eval "(stumpwm:stumpwm)"
Поддержка несглаженных шрифтов никуда не делась, поэтому переключится обратно на них можно строкой в ~/.stumpwmrc
(set-font "--terminus-medium-r-normal--16-----*-iso10646-1")
Извиняюсь, что "камин сун" растянулся на over3 недели. clx-truetype будет в следующей версии quicklisp-a.
Чет давненько ниче про лисп не было. В stumpwm рутовое окно имеет курсор для мышки по-умолчанию в виде крестика. Чтобы установить красивый курсор, как в других приложениях, нужно всего лишь в .stumpwmrc закинуть код: (ql:quickload :clx-cursor) (clx-cursor:set-theme *display*) (dolist (screen (xlib:display-roots *display*)) (let ((root (xlib:screen-root screen))) (setf (xlib:window-cursor root) (clx-cursor:cursor root :right-ptr)))) (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
Мышь под левую руку: (let ((mapping (xlib:pointer-mapping *display*))) (setf (elt mapping 0) 3) (setf (elt mapping 1) 2) (setf (elt mapping 2) 1) (setf (xlib:pointer-mapping *display*) mapping))
Жму C-z C-z в русской раскладке (то бишь C-я С-я) — он считает, что это С-z C-я, соответственно, ничего не работает.
То бишь, если раньше хоткеи читал по кейкодам — щас по кейсимам. При этом перетащенный с другой машины бинарник тоже работает криво.
Теперь, жрёт ваще копейки:
6703 dk 20 0 34704 12m 5368 S 0 1.3 0:04.40 /home/dk/bin/stumpwm.ecl
Разработчики винят во всём сторонние приложения. Говорят, большинство из них не умеют грамотно общаться с X-сервером, потому stumpwm и виснет.
И всё никак не уделю время, чтобы разобраться поглубже в этих странностях. Уж очень они внезапны.
(defparameter dbus-power-template "dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=\"org.freedesktop.Hal\" /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement." )
(defmacro pm-command (name command)
`(defcommand ,name () ()
(run-shell-command (concatenate 'string
dbus-power-template ,command))))
(pm-command suspend "Suspend int32:0")
(pm-command hibernate "Hibernate")
(pm-command reboot "Reboot")
(pm-command shutdown "Shutdown")
"workspaces". Why not create a new term for it?
!!! gnew !!! gnew-float !!! gnewbg !!! gnewbg-float !!! gnext !!!
gprev !!! gnext-with-window !!! gprev-with-window !!! gother !!! gmerge
!!! groups !!! vgroups !!! gselect !!! gmove !!! gkill !!! grename !!!
А какие эмоции-то.
А вот это уже интересненько, надо будет защупать
Потыкал 5 минут, почитал мануал, потыкал ещё 5 минут. Вердикт — нафиг. Оно даже EWMH не поддерживает.
nongnu.org -O — | sed -n '/var slogans/,/chap\?/p'
"put your windows in it",
"or are you scared?",
"because we could",
"there's no going back",
"we will end you and eat your children",
"it knows where you live",
"hack it before it hacks you",
"Powered by Parentheses",
"little, yellow, tiling-window-mangery.",
"lithp at ith betht",
"ant/bee AI coming soon to a stumpwm near you",
"<insert hack here>",
"...<stump> <stump> <stump> <stump>...",
"Braaaains!! Braaaaaaiiiins!!!",
"either you git it or you dont get it",
"Hot code loading at your fingertips",
"Hot cod loading in your pants",
"Only badasses need #'apply.",
"Sweaty Electronic Sexpees",
"Don't let your windows manage you!!",
"When you waste screen real estate, you ride with Hitler!",
"Loose bits sink ships.",
"Used by people who seem to be constantly drunk. Make your own conclusions.",
"Lambdas make it look cool.",
"The John Rambo of window managers.",
"My anaconda don't want none unless you got Stump, hon'",
"Like Terminator but with frames.",
"What Would a Bee/Ant Do?",
"Hey where my beez at?",
"Common Lisp, Uncommon Machismo",
"Would you like to know how I got these scars?",
"A Maximalist window manager.",
"So muscular, you'll think it's photoshopped.",
"I Love Bees Now.",
"It's lisp; it's probably really slow.",
"used by a bunch of weirdos",
"Raising an army. A zombie army.",
"Like Bees but Hardcore",
"Proof Of Ferocious Will",
"There's no turning back now",
"oh, fuck, I think I fixed it.",
"The Silence Of The Lambdas",
"I say, are you sure you want to split that frame, old chap?"]
wget "put your windows in it",
"or are you scared?",
"because we could",
"there's no going back",
"we will end you and eat your children",
"it knows where you live",
"hack it before it hacks you",
"Powered by Parentheses",
"little, yellow, tiling-window-mangery.",
"lithp at ith betht",
"ant/bee AI coming soon to a stumpwm near you",
"<insert hack here>",
"...<stump> <stump> <stump> <stump>...",
"Braaaains!! Braaaaaaiiiins!!!",
"either you git it or you dont get it",
"Hot code loading at your fingertips",
"Hot cod loading in your pants",
"Only badasses need #'apply.",
"Sweaty Electronic Sexpees",
"Don't let your windows manage you!!",
"When you waste screen real estate, you ride with Hitler!",
"Loose bits sink ships.",
"Used by people who seem to be constantly drunk. Make your own conclusions.",
"Lambdas make it look cool.",
"The John Rambo of window managers.",
"My anaconda don't want none unless you got Stump, hon'",
"Like Terminator but with frames.",
"What Would a Bee/Ant Do?",
"Hey where my beez at?",
"Common Lisp, Uncommon Machismo",
"Would you like to know how I got these scars?",
"A Maximalist window manager.",
"So muscular, you'll think it's photoshopped.",
"I Love Bees Now.",
"It's lisp; it's probably really slow.",
"used by a bunch of weirdos",
"Raising an army. A zombie army.",
"Like Bees but Hardcore",
"Proof Of Ferocious Will",
"There's no turning back now",
"oh, fuck, I think I fixed it.",
"The Silence Of The Lambdas",
"I say, are you sure you want to split that frame, old chap?"]
(swank:create-server :dont-close t :port 4010)