И интерфейс сделать 1в1, чтобы поменяв
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Efl
интерфейс менялся бы с ГТК на Элементари.
trac.enlightenment.org Как-будто в 98ой вернулся.
скачваемо по этому линку:
Finally after a lkong time coming, we are pleased to announce the 1.0 release
of the core EFL libraries (With the exception of Eet at 1.4). This has been
many years coming. The following libraries have been released:
* Eina — 1.0.0
* Eet — 1.4.0
* Evas — 1.0.0
* Ecore — 1.0.0
* Embryo — 1.0.0
* Edje — 1.0.0
* E_Dbus — 1.0.0
* Efreet — 1.0.0
* Eeze — 1.0.0
На форониксе паника:
With hell frozen, Duke Nukem Forever shipping, and e17 reaching 1.0, what the heck are we supposed to use as a metaphor for "never"?