Operation Cornflakes was run by the American OSS based on a similar concept by the British to insert false propaganda letters into the genuine German mail service by attacking trains carrying mail and using special aircraft to drop mailbags containing letters addressed to genuine addresses into the wreckage.

These would be scooped up from the wreckage and delivered without question.

Some letters were stamped with fake stamps showing Hitler as a skull and marked “Futsches Reich” (Ruined Reich) instead of Deutsches Reich

221 cm Jakob Nacken the tallest nazi soldier ever chatting with 160 cm Canadian corporal Bob Roberts after surrendering to him near Calais, France in September of 1944

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кино наконец-то дошли руки посмотреть Jud Süß. что сказать, забавная концовка — весь фильм этот Зюсс совершал всевозможные афёры и злодеяния, а повесили его за то, что он был еврей 😕 нацики, что с них взять

wiki подсказвает, что IRL всё было почти так же:
When his protector, Karl Alexander, suddenly died on March 12, 1737, Oppenheimer was arrested and accused of various crimes, including fraud, embezzlement, treason, lecherous relations with various women, and accepting bribes. While some Jews tried to help him during the trial, others gave incriminatory testimonies against him. Most of the accusations could be refuted, and the charge of lechery was dropped in order to protect reputable women. After the heavily publicized trial, Oppenheimer was sentenced to death, without naming any specific crime. When his jailers asked that he convert to Christianity, he refused.