• ещё пару часов назад текст был другим, более длинным и с рекламой :)
  • собсно старый текст остался в хтмле:
    <p>Sorry our site is offline as we refused to pay our web developer and he put this here and then changed the passwords!</p>
    <p>You could always try calling or emailing us but maybe its better you just go to <a href="http://www.uswitch.com">Uswitch</a>
    as they are much more professional, we suck.</p>
  • о, там ещё и старый футер, которого я не видел: <!--
    You may wonder why this site is offline, if you are reading the source then you are most probably a web developer
    that has been paid to change this.

    I put this here as the company in question broke our contract and left payments outstanding,
    as a last resort I put their site offline, what else could I do.

    Make sure you are paid up front, even if you have a contract, they aint worth shit.

  • @lurker, теперь известна предистория, но все-таки краткость — сестра таланта :)