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Qt Linux soft FatRat is an open source download manager for Linux written in C++ and built on top of the Trolltech Qt 4 library. It is rich in features and is continuously extended.
Features of the Git version:
* HTTP(S)/FTP/SFTP downloads
* FTP/SFTP uploads
* RSS feed support + special functions for TV shows and podcasts
* BitTorrent support (including torrent creating, DHT, UPnP, encryption etc.)
* Torrent search
* Support for SOCKS5 and HTTP proxies
* RapidShare.com FREE downloads
* RapidShare.com uploads
* RapidShare.com link verification and folder extraction
* RapidSafe link decoding
* MD4/MD5/SHA1 hash computing
* Remote control via Jabber (!)
* Remote control via a web interface
* YouTube video downloading
And even more is available thanks to the plugins.

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