• Linux Arch Кстати, всем арчеводам могу напомнить про frugalware.org

    Простой дистр, с ветками current и stable, поддерживает x86_32 и x86_64

    Q) What's the difference between Arch and Frugalware?

    A) Many people think that as we use basically the same pacman as Arch Linux then the two distribution are the same. Originally the package manager was the same, there is almost nothing other similar. There are also other major differences. We have console (such as grubconfig and netconfig) and graphical (such as gService and gFPM) configuration tools. At the end of the installation you will get a working system with x, network, mouse (and much more configured. We have an unique repo (stable or current) and it's easy to contribute with new packages, so we don't need such thing like AUR.

    ♡ recommended by @ng358ex-2, @HeX