прогресс, а с другой представьте что случится когда электричества не хватит
с одной стороны The government’s Chief Censor, David Shanks, officially classified the full-unexpurgated 17-minute video as “objectionable.”50 Under the terms of the Films, Videos & Publications Act (1993), possessing or disseminating Tarrant’s video became a criminal offense, publishable by a maximum $10,000 fine, if you were unaware it was prohibited, or up to 14 years in jail if you were aware it was “objectionable.”
но цензура в рашке, конечно же
Less than 1% of the Jamaican coastline is accessible to the public. Locals are prevented from beach access to make room for more all-inclusive resorts for foreign tourists.
в производстве стали
Меня еще с прошлого раза бесит, когда у них СМИ возмущались что люди поливают платной водой свои газоньі
тут пояснили за иммигрантов в сша
Li Keqiang was unusually frank for a Chinese politician… just last year, he admitted: “There are at least 600 million Chinese still living on less than 1000 yuan each month.” That’s about 136 dollars, monthly, for the record.