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Under the 1920 Svalbard Treaty, citizens from any country can live, work, and explore the archipelago without the need for a visa or residence permit. Unlike most places around the globe, Svalbard has a remarkably straightforward immigration policy: no visas are required. Whether you’re from the European Union, the United States, or anywhere else, you can simply pack your bags and head to Svalbard without worrying about applying for visas or permits. The environment is harsh, with winter temperatures often dipping below -20°C and long periods of darkness. Residents will experience 24 hours of daylight during the summer months. Housing can be limited and also expensive. Also, isolation tends to be intense. Since Svalbard doesn’t offer social welfare services, healthcare can be a challenge. While emergency medical care is available, residents are responsible for covering medical costs. Health insurance is a must if you’re planning to stay long-term.
СЯУ Рияд слова мухофаза
Эд-Диръи́я (араб. الدرعية‎, DIN: ad-Dirʿiyya) — город в Саудовской Аравии, западный пригород Эр-Рияда. Центр одноимённой мухафазы в провинции Эр-Рияд.

СЯУ что Ньютон был ебанутым шизиком, который обдалбывался ртутью и чесал палочкой глаза с обратной стороны

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (or PrEP) is medicine taken to prevent getting HIV. PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV when taken as prescribed. PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99%.

On-demand PrEP involves taking 2 pills, 2-24 hours before a possible sexual exposure to HIV and then continuing to take 1 pill each day until 2 days after their last possible sexual exposure. The only PrEP medication approved for on-demand use is Truvada.

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