crap w3c IT
Imagine, you enter a grocery store to buy a loaf of bread.
— Welcome to the Shop & Co!
— Hello. I am looking for....
— Where have you been recently?
— In a hardware store. Why?
— Do you use a car to get to us?
— No, I use a bike.
— Which model?
— XYZ123. Fucking Why?!
— Have you been to our store before? Any receipts?
— Nope.
— Where are you from?
— Me?! From Lithuania.
— Why do you speak English then?
— ...I don't know, I feel like doing so.
— May I speak Lithuanian?
— No way! just give me fucking bread!
— We are so sorry, we do not have Lithuanian bread right now.
— Can you give me any other goddamn bread!!!
— Nope.
This is exactly what happens every time you visit a website.