d_k> Sounds reasonable. Do Romans write reports and try to reproduce the bug?
xxx> No :)
xxx> They try to get their shit working and move on !
«The fake philosophical terminology of mathematical logic has misled philosophers into believing that mathematical logic deals with the truth in the philosophical sense. But this is a mistake. Mathematical logic deals not with the truth, but with the game of truth.»
(c) Rota «The Pernicious Influence of Mathematics upon Philosophy»
(с) историк Гвиччардини, 1529 год.
если в тексте «церковь» заменить на «ЕДРо», папу на «медведопутина», священников на депутатов, а Бога на «закон», то и не скажешь, что этому откровению полтысячи лет.
Здесь Эпиктет кидает камень в огород стоиков, но по-моему, это камень в огород адептов любой идеологии/религии, пытающейся насильно вырезать «животное» в человеке, пытающейся сказать, что «животное»(зависть, ненависть, страсти, привязанность, стремление к комфорту и безопасности, жестокость, etc) внутри нас — это что-то плохое. Плюю им всем в лицо.
«Our prevailing system of management has destroyed our people. People are born with intrinsic motivation, self-respect, dignity, curiosity to learn, joy in learning. The forces of destruction begin with toddlers – a prize for the best Halloween costume, grades in school, gold stars – and on up through the university.
On the job people, teams, and divisions are ranked, reward for the top, punishment for the bottom. Management by Objectives, quotas, incentive pay, business plans, put together separately, division by division, cause further loss, unknown and unknowable.» (c) Deming
Antonius Block: No.
Mia: Are you tired?
Antonius Block: Yes. I have boring company.
Mia: You mean your squire?
Antonius Block: No, not him.
Mia: Who do you mean, then?
Antonius Block: Myself.
(c) I. Bergman "The seventh seal"
restricted, spatio-temporal region. This is the reason why strictly existential statements are not falsifiable. We cannot search the whole world in order to establish that something does not exist, has never existed, and will never exist. It is for precisely the same reason that strictly universal statements are not verifiable. Again, we cannot search the whole world in order to make sure that nothing exists which the law forbids. Nevertheless, both kinds of strict statements, strictly existential and strictly universal, are in principle empirically decidable; each, however, in one way only: they are unilaterally decidable. Whenever it is found that something exists here or there, a strictly existential statement may thereby be verified, or a universal one falsified." (c) K. Popper "The logic of scientific discovery"
Смысл простой: "никогда не говори никогда". Даже(и в особенности) в науке. (: