bash-3.2$ sudo yaourt -Ss finance
community/jgnash 1.11.7-1
A double-entry based personal finance manager, written in Java
community/kmymoney2 0.8.9-2
Personal finance manager for KDE which operates similarly to MS-Money or
community/perl-finance-quote 1.13-4
Perl/CPAN Module Finance::Quote : Fetch stock prices over the Internet
aur/clipf 0.4-1
clipf is a personal finance manager with command line interface
aur/divifund 0.6.2-1
A finance manager that does what you want it to, and no more
aur/haskell-finance-quote-yahoo 0.6.0-1
Obtain quote data from
aur/haskell-finance-treasury 0.1.2-1
Obtain Treasury yield curve data
aur/kmymoney2-cvs 20080925-2
Personal finance manager for KDE which operates similarly to MS-Money or Quicken (Testing Development version)
aur/quantlib 0.9.0-1
A free/open-source library for quantitative finance.