The #haskell #wai framework exhibit typical stalling behaviour in the upper percentiles (10k conns, 30k request/sec)
Must be due to the lack of isomorphism
Слишком мало изоморфизмов, нужно больше, ГОРАЗДО больше.
c:\>cabal update
Downloading the latest package list from stackage-2014-12-09-ghc78-inc
cabal: does not exist
при этом cabal list работает
c:\>cabal update
Downloading the latest package list from stackage-2014-12-09-ghc78-inc
cabal: does not exist
при этом cabal list работает
f 'x':'y':zs = Just ...
f _ = Nothing
stackage-curator nightlyвсё то тепло, которое выделяет комп при этом надо направлять в мирное русло
Exception (reporting due to +RTS -xc): (base:GHC.Exception.SomeException), stack trace:, called from, called from Database.MongoDB.Internal.Util.liftIOE, called from, called from Database.MongoDB.Query.request, called from Database.MongoDB.Query.find, called from Database.MongoDB.Query.access, called from Main.processCompiledPhase, called from Main.processDiapason.p.\, called from Main.processDiapason.p, called from Main.processDiapason, called from Main.sortBest, called from Main.processMicroPhase, called from Main.processUser, called from Main.forkJoin, called from Main.buildAnalysis, called from GHC.List.CAF p: Prelude.(!!): index too large понять бы где оно происходит и почему