спорт быт фауна Встретил в комнате на полу большого черного паука. Дунул на него — он очень быстро, вприпрыжку, метнулся под кресло, сверкая восемью коленками. Интересно, кто быстрее бегает — домашние пауки или домашние тараканы?
sublime_text Если я потрачу на саблим 1800 Р, то совесть мне не позволит пользоваться вимом. А ведь наверняка захочется, так что приходится эксплуатировать доброту разрабов сабжа.
спам Compliments,

My name is Mr Ibrahim Moussim,personal aide to Mrs Safia Gaddafi ,wife
to the late Present of Libya , Muammar Gaddafi who died on the 20th
October 2011 . l am contacting you in view of the fact that we will be
of great assistance to each other likewise developing a cordial
relationship.We have funds to the sum of US$130M with security firms
abroad. These funds are in cash and we intend to use them for
investment. This money came as a payback contract deal between the late
Gaddafi and a Russian Firm on our countries multi-billion dollars oil
project of which my boss happens to be the signatory to this lodgments.

No record ever existed concerning the money traceable by the government
because there is no documentation showing that we received money from
the Russians. Due to the current situation in the country concerning
government attitude towards my family and the death of my husband and
also the fact that the present government has intensified their search
for my husbands funds, it has become quite impossible for me to make
use of this money .

The present government in Libya had frozen and seized all the Ghaddafi
family's bank accounts known to them anywhere in the world. Thus
consent l shall expect you to contact me urgently to enable us discuss
in detail about this transaction. Bearing in mind that your assistance
is needed to move this funds and also handle the investment, l proposed
a percentage of 20% of the total sum to you for the expected service .
l must use this opportunity to implore you to exercise the utmost
indulgence to keep this matter extraordinarily confidential whatever
your decision while await your prompt response.

Best Regards.
Mr Ibrahim Moussim.
vacuum-im Сабж более менее. Не падает в федоре 64, как пси с плюсом, и в отличии от копыта умеет конфу.
Еще не умеет Ctrl+вверх, чтобы перебирать историю отправленного, и не работает изменение размера шрифта в диалогах. Мне мелковато, блджад.