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CouchDB release Apache CouchDB 1.1.0 has been released and is available for download:


Changes in this release:

* Native SSL support.
* Added support for HTTP range requests for attachments.
* Added built-in filters for _changes: _doc_ids and _design.
* Added configuration option for TCP_NODELAY aka “Nagle”.
* Allow wildcards in vhosts definitions.
* More granular ETag support for views.
* More flexible URL rewriter.
* Added OS Process module to manage daemons outside of CouchDB.
* Added HTTP Proxy handler for more scalable externals.
* Added _replicator database to manage replications.
* Multiple micro-optimizations when reading data.
* Added CommonJS support to map functions.
* Added stale=update_after query option that triggers a view update after returning a stale=ok response.
* More explicit error messages when it’s not possible to access a file due to lack of permissions.
* Added a “change password”-feature to Futon.

Ну и еще много всего разного и полезного:

Дальше больше: CoffeeScript одобрен на включение в базовую поставку с 1.2. Stay tunned!
CouchDB web release Python Tornado Анонсирована новая версия, за номером 0.9.0, Trombi — асинхронного клиента couchdb для tornado web-сервера.

Основные изменения:
* Add support for querying _all_docs
* Add support for bulk_docs
* Add support for changes feed
* Introduce Paginator for paginating results
* Drop support for Document._as_dict, which was deprecated in 0.8
* Improve error handling in various places
* Support Tornado's SimpleHTTPClient
* Various bug fixes

Забирать отсюда: pypi.python.org
Исходники: github.com
Документация: inoi.github.com
CouchDB NoSQL geocouch release проект GeoCouch релизнулся, отметив это переходом из состояния форка в экстеншн, а по факту патч, поскольку придется пересобирать CouchDB сервер. Зато он стал работать до 10 раз быстрее, индекс стал весить до 10 раз меньше, научился операциям сжатия и прочим фишкам. Однако, и требует исходники CouchDB версии >=1.0.2, а так же несет с собой breaking changes. В общем, лучше ознакомиться с оригинальной новостью:

Еще момент если вы пользуетесь услугами Cloudant: на данный момент они не поддерживают GeoCouch, поскольку тот хранит данные в нестандартной форме, но будут думать над этим.

Так же выяснилось первое отличие CouchDB от CouchBase сервера — последний идет вместе с GeoCouch.
CouchDB release ух..проспал все интересное(:

Вышел в свет релиз CouchDB 1.0.2!

// выделил те, которые были важны лично мне, но другие фиксы тоже полезны(;
— Make test suite work with Safari and Chrome.
— Fixed animated progress spinner.
— Fix raw view document link due to overzealous URI encoding.
— Spell javascript correctly in loadScript(uri).
— Fix leaking file handles after compacting databases and views.
Fix databases forgetting their validation function after compaction.
Fix occasional timeout errors after successfully compacting large databases.
— Fix ocassional error when writing to a database that has just been compacted.
Fix occasional timeout errors on systems with slow or heavily loaded IO.
— Fix for OOME when compactions include documents with many conflicts.
— Fix for missing attachment compression when MIME types included parameters.
— Preserve purge metadata during compaction to avoid spurious view rebuilds.
— Fix spurious conflicts introduced when uploading an attachment after a doc has been in a conflict. See COUCHDB-902 (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COUCHDB-902) for details.
Fix for frequently edited documents in multi-master deployments being duplicated in changes and _alldocs. See COUCHDDB-968 (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COUCHDB-968) for details on how to repair.
Significantly higher read and write throughput against database and view index files.
— Reduce lengthy stack traces.
— Allow logging of native types.
Allow reduce=false parameter in map-only views.
— Fix parsing of Accept headers.
— Fix for multipart GET APIs when an attachment was created during a local-local replication. See COUCHDB-1022 (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COUCHDB-1022) for details.
— Updated ibrowse library to 2.1.2 fixing numerous replication issues.
Make sure that the replicator respects HTTP settings defined in the config.
— Fix error when the ibrowse connection closes unexpectedly.
Fix authenticated replication (with HTTP basic auth) of design documents with attachments.
Various fixes to make replication more resilient for edge-cases.
Don’t trigger view updates when requesting _design/doc/_info.
— Fix for circular references in CommonJS requires.
— Made isArray() function available to functions executed in the query server.
Documents are now sealed before being passed to map functions.
Force view compaction failure when duplicated document data exists. When this error is seen in the logs users should rebuild their views from scratch to fix the issue. See COUCHDB-999 (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COUCHDB-999) for details.
release Python logbook Armin Ronacher, автор Sphinx, Flask и Pygments зарелизил новый модуль для ведения логов: Logbook
документация исчерпывающая и набор возможностей из коробки впечатляет — поддержка growl, libnotify, iphone и даже твиттера.
Лично для меня интересно теггирование сообщений, очереди и, возможно, тикеты. Правда опять, похоже, нет возможности сохранить текущую конфигурацию куда-нибудь.
CouchDB release db вот и вышел долгожданный 1.0!

Исправлений и вкусностей много, но стоит отметить следующие:
— Added continuous replication option to Futon.
— Allow creation and deletion of config entries in Futon.
— Added authentication caching
— Temporary views are now admin-only resources.
— Allow global rewrites so system defaults are available in vhosts.