• webinar Erlang What's Elixir? Webinar


    Elixir (http://elixir-lang.org) is a functional meta-programming aware
    language built on top of the Erlang VM. It is a dynamic language with
    flexible and homoiconic syntax that leverages Erlang's abilities to
    build concurrent, distributed, fault-tolerant applications with hot
    code upgrades.

    Some say Elixir is like CoffeeScript for Erlang. To extent, this is
    true. But it is much more than that that ? it combines the raw power
    of Erlang VM with Lisp-like macros, more familiar kind of syntax, some
    features from Clojure and a strong focus on usability... not to
    mention its own evolving standard library (which is quite nice!)

    I am going to run a webinar next month (Oct 13), explaining the basics
    of the language and going through creating a test application in it.

    Register at wexw12.eventbrite.com and see you next month!

    ♡ recommended by @OCTAGRAM