Testing (74/322): -e 1 -q --reverse-frag --wrong-chksum --fake-from-hex 1603030135010001310303424143facf5c983ac8ff20b819cfd634cbf5143c0005b2b8b142a6cd335012c220008969b6b387683dedb4114d466ca90be3212b2bde0c4f56261a9801 Starting up GoodbyeDPI... Starting up Curl... Waiting for Curl to do it's job... Terminating Curl if it's still there... Reading results... WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] WORKING[ip:] NOT WORKING[ip:] NOT WORKING[ip:] NOT WORKING[ip:] Successes - Pass 1: 28/31 ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes /home/i/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes is not a key file. file ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes /home/i/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes: OpenSSH private key openssl pkey -in ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes -text Could not read key from /home/i/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes Could not open a connection to your authentication agent. openssl version OpenSSL 3.0.13 30 Jan 2024 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.13 30 Jan 2024) ssh -V OpenSSH_9.6p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu13.5, OpenSSL 3.0.13 30 Jan 2024 openssl pkcs8 -in ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes -inform PEM Error reading key 40B71E5E477F0000:error:0480006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line:../crypto/pem/pem_lib.c:763:Expecting: ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY strace ssh-keygen -p -m PEM -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes 2>&1 | grep error Концы строк Windows (\r\n они же CR LF) и разбиение файла на несколько строк могут вызвать проблемы с загрузкой ключа. В формате PEM ключи должны быть представлены в виде одной строки base64, без разбиения на несколько строк. Концы строк Windows могут быть особенно проблематичными, поскольку они могут быть интерпретированы как часть ключа, что приводит к ошибкам при загрузке. dos2unix ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes или tr -d '\r' < ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes > ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes.unix mv ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes.unix ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes или cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes | tr -d '\r' > ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes.clean chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes.clean mv ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes.clean ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519-nodes Enter passphrase: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIChbeiELdntCuVSAm3kv9fPfJwbq309RbZ0t06i/v113
C:\tools\goproxy> C:\tools\goproxy\proxy sps -S socks -T tcp -P -t tcp -p :9999 convert socks5 proxy to http(s) proxy возможно, FRP или vray/xray/shadowSocks (ss) умеют то же самое но у goproxy оно сейчас из коробки 6.3 SOCKS5 to HTTP(S)+SOCKS5+SS The proxy protocol conversion uses the sps subcommand. The sps itself does not provide the proxy function. It only accepts the proxy request to "convert and forward" to the existing http(s) proxy or the socks5 proxy or ss proxy; the sps can put the existing http(s) proxy or socks5 proxy or ss proxy is converted to a port that supports both http(s) and socks5 and ss proxies, and the http(s) proxy supports forward proxy and reverse proxy (SNI), converted SOCKS5 proxy, UDP function is still supported when the upper level is SOCKS5 or SS; in addition, for the existing http(s) proxy or socks5 proxy, three modes of tls, tcp, and kcp are supported, and chain connection is supported, that is, multiple sps node levels can be supported. The connection builds an encrypted channel. про SOCKS не знает гуй для aria2 - на электроне - на петухоне choco upgrade -y persepolis или класека Authority Information Access (AIA) is a special extension in SSL certificates that contains information about the issuer of the certificate. This extension helps fetch intermediate certificates from the issuing certification authority. In case if server does not provide intermediate certificates, they could be downloaded from the link contained in the AIA field. This approach allows saving the certificate chain and performing an SSL certificate check, even if the server incorrectly configured. If user's client supports AIA Fetching, then user does not even aware of server configuration errors. AIA intermediate fetching technology is currently supported by following browsers: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari. However, the AIA technology used for restoring chain of certificates is often being criticized because it encourages wrong servers’ configuration. Certificate chain would work as expected, even if intermediate certificates are not installed on the server. The main advantage of this approach is convenience for users. Nowadays, not all browsers support AIA Fetching technology. Вы, вероятно, в вашем примере, состоящем из двух частей: отдельно построение и отдельно подпись, проверяете подпись раздельно, и для первой части у вас задается enableAIAcaIssuers, а для случая cades-подписи - нет. В случае enableAIAcaIssuers промежуточный сертификат скачивается и цепочка строится (1 часть примера), для второй части вы, вероятно, комментируете enableAIAcaIssuers и cades-подпись запускается без enableAIAcaIssuers, цепочка не строится. Задавайте везде enableAIAcaIssuers, если не передаете промежуточные в addSigner. Кроме того, в последних версиях cades.jar у одного из методов addSigner (самого полного) есть параметр addCertificateChain, который означает добавление построенной цепочки в подпись. In practice, cert validation goes the other direction: I have an end-entity certificate. Who signed it? Do I already trust them? Oh, it's signed by a CA. Is this CA in my "trusted roots" list? If yes, we're done (cert validation success) If no, then who signed this CA certificate? Do I already trust them? and so on until either you hit a trusted root (cert validation success), or you hit a self-signed cert that is not in your "trusted roots" list (cert validation fail). Know this is a bit old and it's been resolved but I thought I'd add a little script I write to parse out the CA Issuer from the x509 output: getcaissuer() { openssl x509 -noout -text -in $1 | awk '/^[ \t]+CA Issuers[ \t]+-[ \t]+URI:/ { print gensub(/^.*URI:(.*)$/,"\\1","g",$0); }' } # usage: getcaissuer <certificate>
USB\VID_1C7A&PID_0586 EgisTec Touch Fingerprint Sensor Biometric devices \_SB.PC00.XHCI.RHUB.HS07 Egis Technology Inc. oem60.inf:8ec90eb4730dd731:Biometric_Install.NT:\VID_1C7A&PID_0586 Драйвер сканера отпечатков пальцев EGIS Версия V1.1.35.0 2022/12/01 Этот пакет включает драйвер сканера отпечатков пальцев EGIS, позволяющий сканировать отпечатки пальцев для аутентификации личности для открытия или входа в приложения. Использование компонента dependency proxy гитлаба В гитлабе есть компонент dependency proxy, который является кэширующим прокси к официальному docker registry. Подробная информация доступна в документации Переиспользование уже скачанного образа (if-not-present) Вы можете добавить параметр скачивания образа pull_policy и значение if-not-present в gitlab-ci.yml. Образ будет скачиваться только если его нет на раннере. Подробная информация доступна в документации - job1: script: echo "A single pull policy." image: name: ruby:3.0 pull_policy: if-not-present Временное использование официального зеркала Вы можете настроить доступ к режистри, указав в конфигурационном файле зеркало. ОС Файл Linux, regular setup /etc/docker/daemon.json Linux, rootless mode ~/.config/docker/daemon.json Windows C:\ProgramData\docker\config\daemon.json { "registry-mirrors" : [ "https:\/\/" ] } Также можете скачать образ явно указав адрес режистри docker pull
Windows 7 SP1 with Update [7601.27117] AIO (x86-x64) by adguard (v24.05.15) [en-ru] Версия программы: 6.1.7601.27117 / v24.05.15 Автор сборки: adguard Язык интерфейса: Английский, Русский Лечение: требуется, но отсутствует - Активация Windоws 10*/ 8*/7/Vista/Server2012&R2/2011/2008&R2/XP модификацией BIOS Системные требования: Процессор: 1 гигагерц (ГГц) или больше. Свободное место на жестком диске: 20 гигабайт (ГБ). Графический адаптер: графическое устройство Microsoft DirectX 9 или более новой версии. Дополнительные требования для использования некоторых функций. Описание: Сборка сделана на основе оригинальных образов от MSDN. Были интегрированы обновления по 14 мая 2024 года, а также интегрирован SmartFix 2.4.10 и Microsoft DaRT. В ней нет никаких косметических изменений и ничего не вырезано! — Интегрированы обновления по 14 мая 2024 года; — Интегрирован .Net Framework 4.8 (KB5037916); — Интегрирован Visual C++ 2005-2022 (Upd 11.04.2024); — Интегрирован Edge Chromium (109.0.1518.61); — Интегрирован DirectX 9c (Upd June 2010); — Интегрирован SmartFix 2.4.10, Microsoft DaRT в winre.wim и boot.wim; — Системы не были в режиме аудита. сайт авторов: torrent: magnet: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:bcc745dfa9e1c0c4a85bd1aa7c46c73269e78c1b&dn=Windows%207%20SP1%20with%20Update%20%5B7601.27117%5D%20AIO%20%28x86-x64%29%20by%20adguard%20%28v24.05.15%29%20%5Ben-ru%5D& *ДИСТРИБУТИВЫ* Windows Store Link for Oracle Linux 8 Update 5 Published by Oracle America, Inc. 1/31/2022 CentOS 9-stream-20230626 Latest *460МБ* 37.20230124.0 FedoraWSL *60МБ* Pengwin (formerly WLinux) is a Linux distribution based on Debian that is designed for WSL users by independent open source developers at Whitewater Foundry. *USB* Windows software for sharing locally connected USB devices to other machines, including Hyper-V guests and WSL2 *СЕТЬ* sakai135/wsl-vpnkit - Provides network connectivity to WSL 2 when blocked by VPN shayne/go-wsl2-host - Automatically update your Windows hosts file with the WSL2 VM IP address host CzBiX / WSLHostPatcher Dynamic patch WSL2 to listen port on any interface. *МЕНЕДЖЕРЫ* Advanced WSL/WSL2 Distribution Launcher / Installer (Win10 FCU x64/arm64 or later) A full-featured utility for managing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) или choco upgrade -y wsl2-distro-manager или - Manage WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) with a graphical application *ПО* на примере приложения dockercoins.yml показан запуск микросервиса в кубернетес, мониторинг, логирование, обновление, настройки сети и т.д. есть все настройки для локального запуска, в т.ч. виртуалки и установка кубера (используется Vagrant) Есть записи предыдущих мероприятий (т.е. озвучка слайдов), разбитые на короткие главы с осмысленными названиями Часть информации устарела (2018..2019), но не обязательно читать всё подряд (всего там сейчас 2320 слайдов) можно скачать архив, открыть kube-selfpaced.yml.html и смотреть локально аффтар Jérôme Petazzoni @jpetazzo > Since JAR is a variant of ZIP, it works for them as well. It means it is possible to append a bash script, acting like a launcher, at the beginning of a jar file without corrupting it # Append a basic launcher script to the jar cat \ <(echo '#!/bin/sh')\ <(echo 'exec java -jar $0 "$@"')\ <(echo 'exit 0')\ original.jar > executable.jar # Make the new jar executable chmod +x executable.jar #!/bin/sh [[ -n "$DEBUG" ]] && set -x # Find Java (cf: spring-boot launcher) if [[ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ]] && [[ -x "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" ]]; then javaexe="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" elif type -p java > /dev/null 2>&1; then javaexe=$(type -p java) elif [[ -x "/usr/bin/java" ]]; then javaexe="/usr/bin/java" else echo "Unable to find Java" exit 1 fi # run jar exec $javaexe -jar $0 "$@" exit 0
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2e3d6ebdad5735f875d5aded904ba439debeeb27&dn=CCIE+Routing+%26+Switching+5.1+Layer+2+Technologies&tr=udp:// Name: CCIE Routing & Switching 5.1 Layer 2 Technologies Size: 6.32 GB Age: 2 years Files: 72 3. VLANs 1. Access Ports.mp4 296.23 MB 1. Access 45.64 KB 2. VLAN Database.mp4 452.38 MB 2. VLAN 66.16 KB 4. Trunking 1. VTP v1 – VTP v2.mp4 421.74 MB 1. VTP v1 – VTP 69.94 KB 2. VTP v3.mp4 199.40 MB 2. VTP 28.25 KB 3. VTP Pruning.mp4 80.90 MB 3. VTP 9.73 KB 4. Manual Pruning.mp4 132.02 MB 4. Manual 20.23 KB 5. dot1Q.mp4 222.99 MB 5. 43.51 KB 5. Etherchannels 1. Introduction to Etherchannels.mp4 293.10 MB 1. Introduction to 40.79 KB 2. Etherchannel Misconfiguration Guard.mp4 102.10 MB 2. Etherchannel Misconfiguration 13.85 KB 3. Layer 3 Etherchannels.mp4 68.52 MB 3. Layer 3 9.11 KB 4. Etherchannel Load-Balancing.mp4 63.02 MB 4. Etherchannel 9.73 KB 5. PAgP.mp4 240.34 MB 5. 35.05 KB 6. LACP.mp4 237.27 MB 6. 41.62 KB сетевики-затейники, помогите скачать торрент и посидируйте чутка плез - вот на этих трекерах:
"groovy" конструкторы -VW -пазл -пазлы -куриный -Кроссовки -лошадка -70s -80s -solei -Baby -Велокресло -Куинси -Barbie -Estiara -Scrapbook -бейсболка -дзен -kotlin -wordpress -hiper -ночник -Babe -LEGO -CDEK -наволочка -клана -lego // Когда для языка погромирования выбрали неудачное название aarch64_cortex-a53/ 2022-Sep-09 23:08:59 - Directory aarch64_cortex-a72/ 2022-Sep-11 17:44:26 - Directory aarch64_generic/ 2022-Sep-09 21:03:17 - Directory arc_arc700/ 2022-Sep-12 05:32:52 - Directory arc_archs/ 2022-Sep-11 14:53:54 - Directory arm_arm1176jzf-s_vfp/ 2022-Sep-11 16:40:11 - Directory arm_arm926ej-s/ 2022-Sep-11 18:46:22 - Directory arm_cortex-a15_neon-vfpv4/ 2022-Sep-11 19:52:12 - Directory arm_cortex-a5_vfpv4/ 2022-Sep-11 20:57:04 - Directory arm_cortex-a7_neon-vfpv4/ 2022-Sep-09 20:03:20 - Directory arm_cortex-a8_vfpv3/ 2022-Sep-12 12:34:37 - Directory arm_cortex-a9_neon/ 2022-Sep-12 08:48:00 - Directory arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16/ 2022-Sep-12 19:35:11 - Directory arm_cortex-a9/ 2022-Sep-13 09:30:27 - Directory arm_fa526/ 2022-Sep-12 07:43:49 - Directory arm_mpcore/ 2022-Sep-12 13:37:03 - Directory arm_xscale/ 2022-Sep-10 00:06:57 - Directory i386_pentium-mmx/ 2022-Sep-12 22:55:09 - Directory i386_pentium4/ 2022-Sep-12 21:45:27 - Directory mips_24kc/ 2022-Sep-09 19:05:18 - Directory mips_4kec/ 2022-Sep-12 17:25:07 - Directory mips_mips32/ 2022-Sep-12 06:36:58 - Directory mips64_octeonplus/ 2022-Sep-12 11:33:40 - Directory mipsel_24kc/ 2022-Sep-09 18:05:52 - Directory mipsel_74kc/ 2022-Sep-13 07:23:45 - Directory mipsel_mips32/ 2022-Sep-13 08:27:37 - Directory powerpc_464fp/ 2022-Sep-12 04:29:09 - Directory powerpc_8540/ 2022-Sep-12 09:49:50 - Directory x86_64/ 2022-Sep-09 22:03:34 - Directory 2022-Sep-29 05:13:16 0.3K text/x-sh; charset=utf-8 readme.txt 2022-Sep-13 17:55:23 0.2K text/plain; charset=utf-8 2022-Oct-09 20:42:27 0.1K application/octet-stream The instructions given in Ugo Delle Donne's answer for converting the key to the (legacy) keyring v4 format that apt will accept are correct and helpful, but that's only half of the solution. I'll reiterate them here (cleaned up slightly) so all the steps are consolidated in one place: Download the key: wget https://host.domain.tld/path/to/<keyfile>.<ext> (No need for -O or >; wget defaults to saving the file in your current directory with the same filename it has on the server.) Verify that the filetype is "PGP public key block Public-Key (old)": file <keyfile>.<ext> gpg supports a number of key formats, so if your key is in a different format, convert it by importing it into a temp keyring, then exporting it again: gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./temp-keyring.gpg --import <keyfile>.<ext> gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./temp-keyring.gpg --export --output <your-keyfile-name>.gpg rm temp-keyring.gpg Now that you have your converted key, do not add it to apt's trusted keystore by copying it into /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/. Instead, put it somewhere like /etc/apt/keyrings/. (You might need to create that keyrings directory first.) There's nothing special about that location, it's just a convention recommended by man 5 sources.list in Ubuntu 22.04 and a related Debian Wiki entry. At this point, nothing has changed and apt doesn't know the key exists. The last step is to modify the specific .list file for the repository to tell apt where to find the key for that specific repo. Edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/<example>.list, and in between deb and the url, add [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/<your-keyfile-name>.gpg] Now apt will accept that key's signature for all packages in that repo and only that repo. Notes: If you already have keyring files in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/, you can copy move them to /etc/apt/keyrings/ as-is, and then update all the corresponding .list files so each one has a signed-by field pointing to its own key. If you already have keys in the /etc/apt/trusted.gpg keyring file beyond the official repo keys, this answer details the steps to locate and remove them. You can then follow all the same steps above to set them up the safer way. (Exporting them from that keyring is also possible, but the exact steps are left as an exercise for the reader.) To import a repo's key from a keyserver to a standalone file: gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring <output-file-name>.gpg --keyserver <some.keyserver.uri> --recv-keys <fingerprint> This should give you a key that apt will accept without conversion. Apt is still very trusting, and a malicious or compromised repo can bypass this measure easily because packages currently can run arbitrary shell code as root in their setup scripts. Closing off one attack vector doesn't hurt, though, and progress is (slowly) being made on other fronts. Optionally, you can switch to the newer, more verbose Deb822 format using individual .sources files instead of .list files. It's more work, but personally I find the result far more readable. export MANPAGER="sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'" Хулиганы, даже /usr/bin/cat переписали на своём зумерском Golang-е! def _perform_login(self, username, password): login_page, url_handle = self._download_webpage_handle( '', None, 'Downloading login page') login_form = self._hidden_inputs(login_page) login_form.update({ 'email': username.encode('cp1251'), 'pass': password.encode('cp1251'), }) # vk serves two same remixlhk cookies in Set-Cookie header and expects # first one to be actually set self._apply_first_set_cookie_header(url_handle, 'remixlhk') login_page = self._download_webpage( '', None, note='Logging in', data=urlencode_postdata(login_form)) if'onLoginFailed', login_page): raise ExtractorError( 'Unable to login, incorrect username and/or password', expected=True) def _download_payload(self, path, video_id, data, fatal=True): url = '' % path data['al'] = 1 code, payload = self._download_json( url, video_id, data=urlencode_postdata(data), fatal=fatal, headers={ 'Referer': url, 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' } )['payload'] if code == '3': self.raise_login_required() elif code == '8': raise ExtractorError(clean_html(payload[0][1:-1]), expected=True) return payload
PS V:\> yt-dlp.exe [vk] -56772707_456249513: Downloading JSON metadata [vk] -56772707_456249513: Downloading m3u8 information [info] -56772707_456249513: Downloading 1 format(s): hls-25903 [hlsnative] Downloading m3u8 manifest [hlsnative] Total fragments: 581 [download] Destination: Clara Mia and Sylvia Buntarka - Wunf 35 секс porno blowjob sperm отсосы минет сперм а кончил в рот загорелой с красивыми сиськами [-56772707_456249513].mp4 [download] 57.8% of ~17.44GiB at 584.59KiB/s ETA 01:08:17 (frag 336/581)ERROR: unable to download video da ta: [Errno 28] No space left on device PS C:\Users\inetuser> choco install -y --version=4.20.0 winrar Chocolatey v0.10.15 Installing the following packages: winrar By installing you accept licenses for the packages. winrar v4.20.0 [Approved] winrar package files install completed. Performing other installation steps. WARNING: Url has SSL/TLS available, switching to HTTPS for download Downloading winrar 64 bit from '' Progress: 100% - Completed download of C:\Users\inetuser\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\winrar\4.20.0\winrar-x64-420.exe (1.58 MB). Download of winrar-x64-420.exe (1.58 MB) completed. Installing winrar... winrar has been installed. The install of winrar was successful. Software installed as 'exe', install location is likely default. Chocolatey installed 1/1 packages. See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log). srrGUI: srr.exe P:\_movies\The.Matrix.Resurrections.2021.HDR.2160p.WEB.H265-PECULATE.srr -ypri N:\_movies\The.Matrix.Resurrections.2021.HDR.2160p.WEB.H265-PECULATE\ -o P:\_movies\The.Matrix.Resurrections.2021.HDR.2160p.WEB.H265-PECULATE\ srrGUI: Process running, please wait... SRR file created with pyReScene Auto 0.7. Re-creating stored file: the.matrix.resurrections.2021.hdr.2160p.web.h265-peculate.nfo Re-creating stored file: Sample/the.matrix.resurrections.2021.hdr.2160p.web.h265-peculate-sample.srs Re-creating stored file: the.matrix.resurrections.2021.hdr.2160p.web.h265-peculate.sfv Re-creating RAR file: the.matrix.resurrections.2021.hdr.2160p.web.h265-peculate.rar Re-creating RAR file: the.matrix.resurrections.2021.hdr.2160p.web.h265-peculate.r00 Re-creating RAR file: the.matrix.resurrections.2021.hdr.2160p.web.h265-peculate.r01 Re-creating RAR file: the.matrix.resurrections.2021.hdr.2160p.web.h265-peculate.r02 ... Re-creating RAR file: the.matrix.resurrections.2021.hdr.2160p.web.h265-peculate.r39 Re-creating RAR file: the.matrix.resurrections.2021.hdr.2160p.web.h265-peculate.r40 ------------------------------------------------ srrGUI: Process completed. srr.exe exit code = 0 ------------------------------------------------ sendmail-8.14.7-5.el7.x86_64 : A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA) Repo : ol7_latest Matched from: Filename : /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail sendmail-8.14.7-6.el7.x86_64 : A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA) Repo : ol7_latest Matched from: Filename : /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail sendmail-8.14.7-6.el7.x86_64 : A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA) Repo : @ol7_latest Matched from: Filename : /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail