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LeechCraft мудаки говно зашел случайно на php.net: • Methods with the same name as the last element of a namespaced class name will no longer be treated as constructor. This change doesn't affect non-namespaced classes.<?php
namespace Foo;
class Bar {
    public function Bar() {
        // treated as constructor in PHP 5.3.0-5.3.2
        // treated as regular method in PHP 5.3.3
There is no impact on migration from 5.2.x because namespaces were only introduced in PHP 5.3.
LeechCraft cmake говно leechcraft говно хотя бы потому, что использует cmake, который очень говно: [ 26%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/leechcraft.dir/qrc_mainresources.cxx.o
Linking CXX executable leechcraft
Undefined symbols:
"typeinfo for LeechCraft::DependencyException", referenced from:
LeechCraft::PluginManager::ReleasePlugin(QObject*) in pluginmanager.cpp.o
"typeinfo for LeechCraft::ReleaseFailureException", referenced from:
LeechCraft::PluginManager::ReleasePlugin(QObject*) in pluginmanager.cpp.o
"LeechCraft::DependencyException::DependencyException(QString const&)", referenced from:
LeechCraft::PluginManager::ReleasePlugin(QObject*) in pluginmanager.cpp.o
"LeechCraft::ReleaseFailureException::ReleaseFailureException(QString const&, QList<QObject*> const&)", referenced from:
LeechCraft::PluginManager::ReleasePlugin(QObject*) in pluginmanager.cpp.o
"LeechCraft::DependencyException::~DependencyException()", referenced from:
LeechCraft::PluginManager::ReleasePlugin(QObject*) in pluginmanager.cpp.o
"LeechCraft::ReleaseFailureException::~ReleaseFailureException()", referenced from:
LeechCraft::PluginManager::ReleasePlugin(QObject*) in pluginmanager.cpp.o
ld: symbol(s) not found